CFTNadmin's blog

Christmas Message from Pastor

Dear CFTN Family,
Christmas has a very special meaning for mankind.  Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was born in a manger and thereby made Himself accessible to all who would come to Him. 
This divine manifestation of the birth of Jesus was made to the shepherds who searched for Him earnestly with love from their humble and honest hearts.  They then went back to their flocks and brethren “glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” (Luke 2:20) 

Covid-19 Update, June 2021

Dear CFTN family,

Let’s stay united and continue to praise God for His divine protection during these challenging times over our church family and everyone in Geneva and the world.

“No evil plague shall come near our dwelling.” (Psalm 91:10)

It is now over one year since we worshiped altogether as a church family. We are blessed that we are now able to meet in-person again as well as continue to meet virtually for CFTN Sunday Church Service. Glory to God! 


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