Food Fellowship

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

All the wonderful opportunities for fellowship after Sunday service, at CFTN family gatherings in the summer, Christmas and other times of the year are possible because of the warm hospitality and hardworking volunteers of the Kitchen (Food Fellowship) Ministry.  As our CFTN family continues to grow, we would like to invite more volunteers to join us.  There are many ways you can help – at the welcome tea for new members; serving snacks to the children before Sunday school in coordination with the teachers; preparing, serving and cleaning-up at CFTN events; and assisting at inter-church and community festivities.  This is a great way to meet others, be filled with joy and make new friends!


Join us and share your talent and passion for God’s glory.

Tel: 022 731 4921