CFTN 30th Anniversary (EN)

Dear CFTN family,

It is with utmost thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness, that this year (July 2022), we celebrate 30 years of growth at the Church For The Nations (CFTN).

The Founding Pastor Philip Kuruvilla dedicated his service to the Lord in establishing a church for people from all nations to worship, fellowship, grow spiritually, receive healing and experience God’s eternal grace and love.  Pastor Philip’s legacy continues to bring more people to declare Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Hallelujah!

CFTN is represented by over 55 nations. We have been blessed to be situated in the Avanchets community for people throughout Geneva to praise and worship the Lord and strengthen their relationship with Him. Over the years, we increased our international missions and support to churches in Africa, Asia, North America and parts of Europe so that the Lord’s work can be multiplied in manifold ways in His kingdom on earth.

As a church, we have all experienced peaks and valleys especially during the past two years as we battled the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and other challenges in Geneva and throughout the world.  I thank everyone for your steadfast prayers and for uplifting each other when it was needed most by a brother, sister, family, colleague, neighbor or someone you met for the first time. Your action of compassion made a difference at their point of need.

We have been abundantly blessed over the past 30 years.  Your testimonies of how God healed, transformed and saved lives affirms His awesome power and faithfulness.  Many of you and your loved ones experienced healing or received answers to your prayers:

- for financial and job security,
- for greater joy in your marriages,
- for your children to thrive in school and in their careers, and
- for your relationship with Jesus to provide greater calmness and peace in your life.

These are just a few examples of the Lord’s provisions, protection and healing power over our lives. Hallelujah, all glory and praise be to God!

As we move forward together, let us all continue to Stay focussed on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2).

On this 30th Anniversary of CFTN, together with the Council, I pray that we will all continue to be vessels for God’s use so that more people will experience the Lord’s goodness and accept His gift of salvation.

God bless you and your family.

Pastor Alice Philip
